They've come and gone, and they were good. Though with every good thing there comes some bad, nothing major just a few awards were undeserving. For now I'll just cover the performaces and the awards recap will follow. The performances for the most part were good, the sound in Somment Centre has never been very good when telecast. We saw Tim Mcgraw return after four years to perform, maybe next year he will be nominated for some.
The show opened with Taylor Swift performing a recycled performance from the AMA's last year. Call my crazy but when you are up for four awards and the big on of the night, and you are opening the show shouldn't you give a fresh performance to your so called peers. She threw a chair from a platform, slid down a pole, sang while on her knees and banging her head around, all the while sounding not so good live, but we have come accustom to that. Ladies and Gents your Entertainer and Female Vocalist of the year. As Faith Hill would say "WHAT"!!! She also performed "Fifteen" up in the grand stands surrounded by a sea of teens who were to my ears delight singing louder then her.
The show quickly recovered with one of the best monologues I've seen since Billy Crystal on the Oscars. Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood are a great comedic combination of class and whit. The video speaks for it's self. The parodies written by Brad accompanied by Carrie's voice made for the best part of their co-hosting, I think they may have a lock on this job for a while. The videos speak for themselves.
Carrie's Swine Flu parody to tune of LeAnee Rimes "Blue" makes you wish she would cover it.
Standout performers that you should check out included;
Daughtry featuring Vince Gill, I'm not sure if this is an attempt at a cross over or if it is just the title of the song accompanied by Vince that got them on the show "Tennesse", but they were good.
Zac Brown Band covering Charlie Daniels "Devil Went Down To Georgia".
Sugarland, This may be an attempt to match "Stay", regardless they were good, but I don't think it will be as big of a hit but it is nice song, "Keep You".
The biggest and most talked about performance came from the co-host Carrie Underwood, with her newly 11th, #1 single "Cowboy Casanova" she stepped out of her comfort zone and put on a show stopping production. It mimicked the video, with Underwood strutting her stuff and showing off her moves, sass and gams. As always the vocals from Underwood were flawless. The following day that performance was all the talk all over the net.
Award summary coming soon, stay tuned.
I love your review, very true...Carrie showed why she should be the Female Vocalist of the year. Yet they gave the award to the person who gave THE WORST vocal performance of the night. What a shame! Taylor Swift is very desering of Entertainer of the Year in my opinion, but in no way will she ever be Country Music's Vocalist of the year...not by a long shot...even though the CMA's apparently dissagree.